Exercise Helps You Learn


Two studies in Germany prove that working out the body while working out the brain truly does help you learn better. After analyzing the results of each study, it became apparent that the beneficial impact depended on the intensity of the workout. The more vigorous the exercise, the more over-stimulated your body and brain become, monopolizing the brain’s attention resources. For more information on both studies and their findings, read the full article HERE.

False Memories Created by Stimulating Brain Neurons

Courtesy of www.bostonmagazine.com via Google Images.
Courtesy of www.bostonmagazine.com via Google Images.

Researchers at MIT have found how to alter memories by activating neurons in the brain that are associated with memory and update them with new information. Since memories are stored in a particular set of neurons in the brain, understanding how memories are encoded to these specific neurons could be the key to understanding how human memory works as well as how human memory disorders function. Using a mouse, a cage, and a small shock, the MIT researchers may have just discovered how memories are encoded in the brain. For more information, check out the full article HERE.

New Theory on the Evolution of Cancer

New Theory on the Evolution of Cancer

CancerResearchers from Arizona State University and Australian National University are studying the evolution of cancer, going back over a billion years ago when multicellular life was just beginning. Their theory, and findings from it, may not only transform cancer treatments, but may link the origins of cancer and life on earth together. Additionally, this theory challenges the traditional view that cancer develops newly in each host by various accidents or chance. Check out the article to find out more about the basis of the theory and the theory itself. Learn More HERE